Taking Distribution Operations Communication Beyond Email

When email works, it’s effective, but when it fails it can be a big problem. At times, emerging social media capabilities may provide a more effective way of sharing information and collaborating in real time. Let’s take a small example: Have you ever held a meeting and everybody showed up except that one team member that was off sick without a back up? Maybe you had to postpone and send everyone away because key information…

Google Glass Could Change the World, But Especially Distribution Centers

When I first saw Google glass, it took me back to 1995 and the release of the action film Terminator 2 – Judgment Day. A bunch of us sophomores got all excited about the movie and went to see it as a big group with much anticipation. The scene that got deeply engrained in my mind was the Terminator Arnold Schwarzenegger entering the bar scene, starts scanning the objects around him to find an outfit that…

How Anne Hathaway Drives Distribution Center Operators Crazy

If Anne Hathaway (or fill in the blank with your favorite star) were hosting a party, I can imagine that she’s want to create a magical evening for the guests, perhaps even sending them home with a special memento of the evening: something elegant, luxurious, personal, and lasting. This doesn’t sound like an unreasonable expectation from a VIP shopper’s perspective but are the retailers and the distributors fully equipped to handle such an order? You…

The Trump Manifesto & The Electronics Supply Chain

By Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 3.0 Much of the United States is still reeling from the results of the presidential election. No matter which candidate you supported, the final count bore little resemblance to what pundits predicted in the days and weeks leading up to the election. People on both sides of the political aisle are asking the same question: What happens now? What does this mean for us? For electronics distribution, logistics, and manufacturing, the…

Windows CE – End of Life – Why is Now The Right Time to Take a Look at Your Scan Gun, Not Just Scan Gun but Entire Data Collection Strategy & Tactic?

Replenishment involves moving inventory from reserve location to active location so that it may be picked, packed and shipped. In the case of the item can’t be located quickly, or there is an error in finding or utilizing it, this small mistake can cause the entire workflow to break down. By setting up a dedicated replenishment team with agile strategies as listed in this article, you could avoid these kinds of scenarios in your slowdowns…