LoadProof Video Testimonial – Rick Olson, Sealed Air

Kenco Logistics Innovates TO Slash Customers Chargebacks. We have 3 speakers. Christy Montgomery, Vice President Innovation, Research and Development, Kenco Logistics Services. Christy is responsible for leading innovation in the supply chain through value generation, research and development of new solutions. She has 27 years leading supply chain technology and innovation initiatives for a top 10 North American 3PL. She Sharon heard bachelor’s in organizational management from Covenant College. We have Rick Olson, executive director…

LoadProof Video Testimonial – Jenny Halsor, Colorado District Attorneys’ Council

  We’ll get started. Yeah. So, Jenny, thank you very much for taking the time to join this call. So, you know, see, we we you know, this is the analogy that I always use. You know, we build race cars, but but you guys are the ones that are, you know, users of the race car and the beneficiaries of the race car. So we wanna understand. Right? I mean, we don’t get to…

LoadProof Video Testimonial – Ross Chesaniuk, Kering

  Okay. So we would say that so, like, now we have 3 deals. We have You’re saying that the the QR code right now is giving you the sales order number Mhmm. And the carton ID? Yes. 7 digits and 5 digits. Got it. Because that carton ID should be capturing what you’re asking for, which is the The carton. No. The carton ID. Customer The carton ID. The carton? We’re gonna stop reset….

LoadProof Video Testimonial – Hector Pulido, Hawker Pacific Aerospace

  Okay. So we would say that so, like, now we have 3 deals. We have You’re saying that the the QR code right now is giving you the sales order number Mhmm. And the carton ID? Yes. 7 digits and 5 digits. Got it. Because that carton ID should be capturing what you’re asking for, which is the The carton. No. The carton ID. Customer The carton ID. The carton? We’re gonna stop reset….

LoadProof Video Testimonial – Breanna Boozer, Samsung

So, you know, Brianna, thank you very much for taking the time to join this, I know, feedback, call. You know, so if you could please, right, introduce yourself and your roles and, you know, the organization that you’ve worked for on a day to day basis. Right? What do you do? We can get started there. Yes. My name is Brianna Buser. I work for Samsung Electronics. Sure. I work in their back office…

LoadProof Video Testimonial – John Delasso, Fusion Transport

Director of Opera Director of Warehouse Operations for Fusion Transport. Not not a long time with Fusion. I started in August, but one of the first things I integrated into the building was was load proof. So far so good with them. System’s been running real well and doing exactly what it was supposed to. Great. Great. And yeah. And and we have and we have Joe, you know, Joe Grandes from Wilton. And, Joe,…

LoadProof Video Testimonial – Josh Keeney, Kenco

https://youtu.be/Tdk7vj-P8Dk?si=9wrRi5etVEKrGyjV Hey Josh, thank you very much for taking the time with this interview. This note is immensely valuable. Start with a quick introduction about the facility and go from there. So we are a working go logistic services. We’re a third-party fulfillment agent for a range of customers. The current customer we have in our facility has a product line that is very unique to our vertical. The products are expensive, and we need…

LoadProof Video Testimonial – David Conover, Kenco

https://youtu.be/lf8AQmLDTpA?si=uPaum9BibswihOy9 All right, so I’ll get started. Thank you, David, for taking the time to help us with this video interview. So, you know, where were you guys before? I mean, let’s start from the beginning. Before you guys started, where were you and what was the problem that you had? What were some of the frustrations? Also, if you could please start with the question of your business and your facility. That’ll be great….

LoadProof Video Testimonial – Mark Ledkins, Steel & Pipe Supply

  Good morning. Hi. Hi, Hector. Thanks for taking the time to join this call. Yep. No. It’s see, I mean, I’m the you know, I’m Puga Sankar. We haven’t met before. You know, I’ve, you know, started this company and, you know, created this product and all that. Right? So, you know, we we, you know, make a lot of, you know, assumptions and, you know, based on our past experience, we, you know,…

LoadProof Video Testimonial – Ernesto Ayala, Saddle Creek Logistics

https://youtu.be/WAfX2qhXLDs About that, you know how that transpired or what happened there? Oh, okay, well yeah, one of their customers claimed damage—actually, a couple damage units. So our customer went ahead and asked us if we had photos of it, and he let them know that we did have those pictures as proof. And yeah, the claim was dismissed. Oh, that’s great! You were able to get off the hook there for any liability or…