Emmanuel you know Thank you very much for taking the time to you know join this call you know We are Going To talk about right your experience about load proof and and you know how It is useful for you guys and things like that right so if you could you know know my name is puga I’m the you know founder of the Company So You know if you could please introduce yourself you know your role and your day today responses activities that you do you know we can we can get started there eh Muchas gracias por estar en esta llamada Eh mi nombre escara yo soy e el fundador de la compañía y te agradecemos mucho por estar aquí el día de hoy nos gustaría que pudieras hablar en esta llamada un poco por favor acerca de tu experiencia con low prof y si lo has encontrado útil.
Antes que nada si pudieras presentarte y hablar un poco acerca de tus responsabilidades y el papel que desempeñas en tu compañía Okay sí eh primero que nada mi nombre es Emmanuel Sosa eh soy originario de San Luis Potosí México actualmente trabajo en la empresa taikin applied mi responsabilidad es actualmente soy supervisor del área de embarques actualmente tenemos un campus el cual corresponde a lo que son cuatro plantas actualmente soy el responsable de planta uno y planta dos de todos los embarques de de lo que hacemos aquí que son aires acondicionados mi experiencia con lpr pues prácticamente eh fue desde hace ya 2 años ya dos años Estamos eh trabajando con lof y ciertamente Pues todo esto ha generado una confianza tanto para nuestros embarques sino también para lo de los clientes porque eh tenemos información a la mano en cuanto a nuestros envíos tenemos evidencia de todo lo que se necesita desde antes de que salga en el momento que se carga y cuándo sale el material de aquí entonces tenemos evidencia de Prácticamente todo.
Y eso nos ha ayudado mucho a responder y atender las necesidades de nuestros clientes y saber exactamente cómo se fue nuestro material de aquí y si es que por ejemplo llega a tener un daño el material en el transcurso eh sabemos detectar exactamente en dónde pudo haber sido o si fue Nuestra culpa o bien buscamos de De dónde viene el problema verdad Ah before anything My name is Emanuel Sosa I native to sanis Mexico I work in a Daikin applied ance And My responsibilities are as a supervisor in the shipping Area We currently have Four Plants in Our campus and I’m responsible for Plant One and two Uh from the shipping areas we work with Air conditioning so Uh my experience with low proof has gone Uh since two years ago Now and it certainly has generated a lot of Trust for Our shippings and Our clients and customers.
We have the information at hand regarding Everything related to Our shippings Uh We have evidence regarding Everything both needed before um we ship it during we or during the process of Getting it onto the shipping um process and once it leaves Our shipping facilities so We have evidence of Every single part of the process and that has [Música] great great Fantastic so what Was the exact problem yl era el problema exacto que ustedes querían resolver o que intentaban resolver eh En realidad al principio era muy difícil obtener una evidencia de nuestras cargas entonces lo que nos facilitó con un l proof es que por ejemplo cada una de las cargas tienen están relacionadas a un sello este sello pues prácticamente es único por carga y nosotros nada más en el sistema o en el en la página de lpr solamente ponemos el sello y nos dirige directamente a todas las fotos y a toda la información de ese embarque entonces a nosotros actualmente nos sirve mucho.
Porque ya nos tenemos que estar buscando carpeta por carpeta identificar eh las fotos por ejemplo anteriormente teníamos toda la información en una carpeta y de un día Ponle que teníamos que buscar por una foto solamente en una carpeta de 1000 y tenemos que estar buscando de una por una Y actualmente pues todo se reduce a un sello específico de la carga en la que lo hicimos y para nosotros si anteriormente nos tardamos no sé una hora en Buscar información ahorita lo podemos hacer En un minuto Y eso para nosotros es muy importante ul toid of shippings anded usid of since each shipp is se isique and It’s Unique per load then we can Uh log that stamp into the System or into the webpage we Place it and it directs Us directly to the pictures and information of that specific shipping so it helps Us a lot.
Uh previously we Had a file Where we Had all Our Uh information and pictures and we Had to identify and check One by One so If We Had one picture or we Wanted to check One thing we Had to go ofip takes asow Great so so How did you guys you know hear about load proof y Eso es excelente Cómo escucharon acerca de l eh prácticamente este este programa lo implementaron primero en Estados Unidos y después lo bajaron a aquí en México es por eso que que se implementó acá o sea primero se se probó en Estados Unidos y después de eso lo trajeron para acá es por eso que que supimos de ustedes.
Basic It was imp and then we downloaded they brought it here That’s why we knew about you Great so that was dk in Us right dk in Us recommended to dk in Mexico yes yes yes it great great So You know how was you know if you could please talk about right How was Life before load proof and How is Life you know after load proof right specifically if you could talk about the challenges he before load proof It was so difficult and then specifically if you can talk about How Life is so much better you know could you could you elaborate on that.
Eh si pudieras hablar un poco más acerca de cómo era digamos su vida antes de lof y específicamente Cómo es ahora eh tanto los desafíos que tenían antes eh Como los ficios que tienen ahora ser un poquito más específico elaborar un poquito más por favor okay m anteriormente eh nuestro nuestra planta Solamente era una sola planta eh nosotros estábamos viendo el crecimiento que estábamos teniendo o sea estábamos teniendo demasiados embarques eh anteriormente se nos hacía complicado conseguir evidencia Clara para nosotros demostrar que lo que nosotros hacíamos era lo correcto.
Eh al no tener esa información Eh pues se nos complicaba mucho nosotros poder responder algún correo para el departamento de customer service customer service está muy pegado de nosotros porque ellos son el contacto directo con el cliente entonces a nosotros nos pedían evidencia la cual en realidad en ocasiones no la teníamos después de que entra lowp pues obviamente hace se hace el crecimiento de Nuestra Empresa en la cual de ser una ahorita ya somos cuatro el cual se convierte en un campus al ver esta necesidad de que estaban solicitando mucha evidencia y mucha información de nuestras cargas esto nos ayuda bastante a lo que te decía en lugar de buscar en una carpeta 1000 fotos actualmente solamente se reduce a un minuto el cual encontramos evidencia Clara y concisa de la carga específica que nos están solicitando.
Esto para nosotros es un avance grande ya que Pues en realidad nosotros deberíamos de estar enfocados 100% en las actividades que nos corresponden que es embarcar esto con esto de Love proof nos ha ayudado a deshacernos de un poco de actividades que anteriormente nosotros teníamos Por qué Porque antes para buscar ent de un solo correo nos tardamos A veces entre 30 o una hora para buscar evidencia para poder responderlo actualmente si a mí me mandan un correo yo puedo responderlo en menos de 5 minutos porque yo tengo el responder a la brevedad de esos correos y si tú te das cuenta pues para todos el tiempo Pues es lo más valioso que tenemos.
Y de esa manera nos ha ayudado a nosotros Para aprovechar número uno el tiempo y obviamente pues enfocarnos en actividades que en realidad nosotros deberíamos enfocarnos and we began seeing to many shipments so previously It was hard to get Clear evidence to prove that What we were doing was right not having that information Made It really really hard to reply to the emails of the customer service department They are really connected to Us Because they have Direct contact with the customers so If they asked for evidence sometimes we didn’t even have it and after low proof.
Obviously, our company has grown a lot. We were one; now we are four, which turns into a campus. Seeing that we had a lot of requests and the need for evidence, Load Proof has helped us amazingly. Like I said, instead of spending an hour going through 1,000 photos, we now only spend one minute and get clear, concise evidence of that specific shipment. So, what are some of the key benefits that you would mention regarding Load Proof? I understand the evidence is there and it has reduced the time to retrieve specific photos.
Beyond that, how about the customer service rating? Has your relationship improved? Are people submitting fewer claims? Are they less likely to blame your shipping department? Could you elaborate on that? Muchas gracias. Además de esto, ¿qué tipo de beneficios clave mencionarías? Entiendo lo de la evidencia y que ha ahorrado tiempo. Pero, ¿cómo está la relación con el servicio al cliente? ¿Han recibido menos reclamaciones?
I could mention several key benefits. First, all our team members can download the app on their phones and upload photos to the platform. This has greatly benefited us because initially, we were limited to just two tablets. Now, everyone has the app on their phones, allowing for real-time uploads. Another important benefit is that, as you mentioned, we were often blamed blindly because we had no evidence. Complaints have now reduced by 98%.
Now we have control over everything we load and ship, and thanks to the images and the system, we don’t face any issues. This reduction in complaints is a huge advantage. Additionally, we can focus on our core activities without distractions like searching for evidence. Lastly, we have direct contact with your team for any questions or issues.
This customer support has been incredibly helpful, especially when tablets lose the app. We can easily send an email to get things reset. Lastly, the connection to technology is crucial. Everyone has smartphones and can easily access the app. Even team members who are not tech-savvy have found it easy to use, which has made a significant difference.
When we began, we only had two tablets; now everyone can upload evidence in real-time. We are not limited to a single device, and that’s a tremendous improvement. As for implementation, there are two aspects: the technical side and the people side. From a technical perspective, how quickly were you able to get the system running?
On the people side, humans often resist change. How quickly did your team adapt to the technology? The implementation went smoothly, and we integrated the use of Load Proof into our checklist and audits. This made it mandatory, ensuring everyone took the necessary photos. We didn’t struggle with this because the app is user-friendly; anyone can use it easily.
All changes can be complicated, but in this case, it wasn’t. With the checklist in place, it became part of our daily routine, and we eventually removed the checklist once it became habitual. Now, when we look for something, we know we will find it because the Load Proof process is embedded in our workflow.
Thank you for your detailed reply. Can you quantify the savings? For example, you used to spend an hour searching for photos and now spend just a minute. If you were to quantify this in terms of monetary savings, do you have a number in mind? Yes, I do. Over the last fiscal year, we have saved approximately $100,000 to $150,000 in claims compared to the previous years.
In total, across the last two years, we’ve saved around $300,000 in claims. Oh, that’s fantastic to hear! Hopefully, with these savings, you’ll be recognized in your role. Now, as a final question, would you recommend Load Proof to someone else in your position? Yes, absolutely! I find it to be a very useful and user-friendly tool, and I would definitely recommend it.
Thank you very much for your time, Emmanuel. We’re done. Is there anything else you want to share or any enhancements you think would make your life even easier? Thank you! We also have another app called Load Proof Viewer, which allows you to look up photos from your mobile device without having to go to a computer.
This is great for situations like meetings where you need to quickly access a photo. That’s great to know! Thank you for your time. I think we’re all set here. Thank you very much!