So, I mean, you know what it would take. Right? Just thinking, you know, as a solution provider, my job is to do everything possible to help you guys get the most money. Right? What would it take? Hey, carrier, can you take photos and upload them to our cloud? Right? Can you guys ask your carriers to do that? You know, what are they going to say? I would imagine, and I don’t know this—this is pure speculation—you’ll get pushback from carriers. The drivers are very in-and-out folks; they want to load as quickly as possible and get back on the road to their next stop.

I think, in an ideal situation, I would love for my carriers to take those pictures. Even if there were charges, like, you know, let’s say something reasonable, I would see a ton of benefit in that if negotiated into my contracts. Particularly pictures at delivery, right? If I could do comparative pictures. But the other aspect you’re going to see is the pictures we have now are before the product is shrink-wrapped. If I have a bunch of shrink-wrap pictures at delivery, that really doesn’t do me any good.

I don’t know that a carrier is going to wait around for the customer to unwrap everything. There’s that potential too, so there may be some roadblocks to this. But if I could get unwrapped pictures for comparison, that would immediately eliminate the carrier as a potential…